Parish Nursing

Marcia Schnorr, Parish Nurse - CLM

The parish nurse ministry is here for everyone.  The major roles are health education, personal health counseling, liaison with the community, facilitating caregiving volunteers, and integration of faith and health.  The following briefly describes some of the services that are provided.

Preborn – outreach to We Care Crisis Pregnancy Center and availability to meet with individuals who have a particular health concern during their pregnancy.

Infants – Newborn gift packets are given to each new baby with availability to meet with individuals who have a particular concern.

Children – School health program, resources available for parents upon request and those working with our children. 

Youth – resources available upon request, welcome at any of the health education classes offered, personal contacts as needed.

Adults – Caregiving classes, CPR/AED classes, suicide intervention classes, grief support group, caregivers for dementia support group, Christian caregiving Bible studies, and personal health counseling as needed, transportation to treatments, food, outreach to HOPE (domestic abuse shelter), health education displays, CareNotes, and resource library.

Older Adults – various older adult groups, nursing home visitations, outreach to senior living centers.

We are happy to plan topics of interest for any age group.  If you are interested in a class or support group, please let Marcy know and she will be happy to consider it.